You're Not What You Do

To me, being successful means...
Living your life with passion and not taking it for granted. Being able to love and be loved. Having compassion for yourself and others. Trying to make the world a better place.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Absolutely. For years --starting in elementary school and extending past graduate school – I defined success based on academic and professional accomplishments. My parents were very achievement oriented and put a lot of pressure on us to excel starting at a very young age. But it never felt like enough. In college, I became very depressed. I felt like I had been jumping through hoops my whole life, and I was exhausted. I didn’t even know what actually made me happy. After an episode of major depression, I decided to pursue the things that gave me pleasure instead of what other people told me I should do. I feel very lucky to have found a career I love, one where I can help people every day, be creative, feel intellectually satisfied, and explore the world. I feel even luckier to have found my soul mate in my late 30s. The joy I derive from my day-to-day life, and my ability to give back, are what make me feel successful.

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Balancing achievement with the rest of your life

To me, being successful means...
Being happy with yourself, and contributing to the community around you. Finding a way to balance your life so that you have time for all the things you find important.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Through college, I thought top grades and achievement meant success. I thought that graduate degrees meant success. It wasn't until after college when I took time off before graduate school that I realized that spending time with friends, doing fun activities, and being away from achievement-oriented things brought me more joy than school did.

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