There is no singular definition for success.

To me, being successful means...
Learning new things for a better tomorrow, everyday. Never be afraid to fail, as that is what makes us stronger.

My definition of success has changed over time.
It used to be about money, and material things. Now I’m just glad for all I have and enjoy the little things in life.

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Enjoy yourself, it's never too late.

To me, being successful means...
The ability and means to share experiences with my loved ones and the confidence to make myself vulnerable enough to constantly expand that group.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I stopped assuming that success for me was what it meant to others. 

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Student of Last Graduating Class of Cubberley HS

To me, being successful means...
Being happy

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Growing up you are programmed that success is being educated to get a good job, marriage and nice house, money for the American dream. However, if you are not happy your success means nothing to you.

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Project Manager, DePaul, Illinois and Germany

To me, being successful means...
Being happy with yourself and seeing as much as the world has to offer as possible.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I used to think money and status was the most important thing. I realized rich and powerful people were still unhappy with themselves.

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Being my own version of an adult is so much better than high school

To me, being successful means...
What a question. For some reason I tend to think of my life now by how my kids are doing, my husband, myself and the state of other relationships I have in my life. When all of those things are hitting I feel successful but when they're not I don't. It seems too close-in and too short term for such a global definition but that's how I measure my life day to day. The bigger, grandiose definitions are wonderful and make for good quotes to remind myself of sometimes but I don't think anyone really stays true to them.   

My definition of success has changed over time. 
In high school it was about grades, sports and college ranking. In college it was grades, social status, job offers. In career it was work reviews, weddings and grad school. As a Mom, it's are my kids happy, having fun and learning. With my husband, right now, it's are we getting along, lol.

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Mother of Sparkle Hunter and Glitter Girl

To me, being successful means...
Having healthy relationships with my family, my community, a God of my own understanding and myself.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I used to think my career and hobbies were the most important. Then I realized my idea of success was based on self glorification.

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Teaching English. Learning Thai? Riding a motor scooter?!

To me, being successful means...
Having a life that glorifies God, that shows how He is working in you and through you to help others.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Some things that I first thought would be failures were really part of the path toward a success in helping others.

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I have no fear, I have only love

To me, being successful means...
Experiencing life

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I used to think I was a failure or didn't measure up to what was expected of me because I didn't have the prestigious career or college under my belt. What I learned was I actually got to live life and see what the world had to offer and in that, I grew and became a better person.

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Work hard, worry less, and enjoy the ride.

To me, being successful means...
Being happy.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I used to focus mostly on academic and financial success. But that matters less and less as you get older. Success as happiness (a measure that comprises love, friendship, leisure, good and interesting work, etc.) is my focus now.

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Sometimes following "the rules" gets you into a mess

To me, being successful means...
Balancing building for my future with enjoying my life today.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I am a rule follower. Always have been. Give me the rules of the game and I'll figure out how to win. That was a great strategy when I was growing up and in the Palo Alto schools, and I was really successful at [high school]. I got mostly A's, won school elections, was captain of the cheer team, etc, etc... I was working like crazy, but I was loving it, and I had plenty of energy. I was winning. I was succeeding. All the people around me told me so.

The world got broader... I went to a really large University where I felt like I suddenly was swallowed up - I felt mediocre, average and forgotten. In truth, I was none of those things, but I had trained myself to seek approval from the outside, from "winning the game", and it was hard for me to see myself as successful if I wasn't doing that, daily. I became self-destructive in my own way. I developed an eating disorder, I drank too much - I really didn't know how to find my place.

I still did very well in school and I landed my dream job in a large corporation and set myself to learning the rules of that game and winning it. And I did that successfully for many years. But it took more and more from me - I was exhausted. And life was happening. I ended up in a bad marriage with an addict and I found myself afraid to leave and be seen as having "failed." I became a mom of 2 - the best thing that has ever happened, but any parent will tell you that kids are a lot of work. Trying to hold my life together as a mom of two young kids, in a marriage that was disintegrating, while climbing the corporate ladder was too much. I found myself in and out of my eating disorder, and relying heavily on pharmaceuticals to keep me moving. Two anti-depressants, an anti-anxiety med and pills to help me sleep at night. But the outside world told me I was succeeding. Everyone was so impressed at how I made "it all" work. But I was miserable, numb and hollow. I cried alone in my car on the way to work, and I cried on the way home.

Then my life exploded. The issues in my marriage reached a breaking point and I ended it. My performance at work was compromised and Corporate America was unforgiving - my company laid me off... from "Golden Girl" to reject in a matter of months. I found myself without a job, without a marriage, with no idea what my future was.

Every single definition of success I had for myself was lying in ruins around me. And you know what? I lived. I cried and I got help from an amazing therapist. I gave myself permission to spend time with my children, and I realized that I really like hanging out with those little stinkers. I worked on my own mental state and slowly dropped the medications (with doctor support and supervision, of course.) I learned to forgive myself for being imperfect. I found a strength, resiliency and peace in myself that I had never seen before. And I found a new job that pays less, but allows me to be home, have a flexible schedule, and love my life today instead of hating my life today while I wait for tomorrow to somehow be better.

There are people who look at me today and think, "Boy, she got totally destroyed and look at her now... couldn't get back to where she was," but they have no idea what they're talking about. I'm happy today. I'm healthy. I'm present for my kids. And we will be fine. We may not take a fancy vacation every year, we may be a family that doesn't have two parents in the same house, but we are going to be fine. My girls will grow up knowing that there is value in enjoying today and appreciating what you have. Because the future you are sacrificing today for may not be in your control - and it may turn out to be nothing like you picture.

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Still being happy and successful ... from the middle of the pack

To me, being successful means...
There are quite a few areas in which "success" can be applied. There is professional and personal arenas. But most of them involve building heathy relationships in which you can invest in cheerfully and draw upon when needed.
It would be disingenuous to say that money isn't a factor, but the reality I've come to realize is that you have usually make a trade with regards to where my time is applied. I have spent a lot of time focused on making money, so I can have some comfort, some self control and indulge in a little excess.
For me, Success is the ability to balance between those aspects and where it is spent (on myself or on others).

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Yeah, it was originally about power and money. Recognition by others was what I was trapped by. I've started 2 companies, joined 4+ startups and had been part of 3 acquisitions. It felt like it was wasted, not that these are bad things, but the attitude and expectations I had, did not allow me to enjoy them for what they were. Now it about the ride, the journey and those who will come along side you. It about building up grit, the perseverance to go through "hard stuff" and not run from it or be frozen by it, but to move through it. If you learn the most from your mistakes, then don't be afraid to make them and to own them. That is not the same being stupid or lazy about things and trying to learn from them ... put the best effort in that you can, do the prep work, run through the obstacles ... let the chips fall where they may. Be proud of the effort. 

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Competitive and sports loving, yet often humbled

To me, being successful means...
Doing something that I'm good at and that I enjoy. For me, it happens to be business.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
I used to think getting into the best college was the most important. I've literally kept a mental notebook of many of my peers and I find little correlation between what college one attended and job and/or life fulfillment.

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Caution: Advice from the ashes

To me, being successful means...
Doing something that brings you the knowledge and happiness you seek out of your life.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
Different difficult events in my life and also getting out of high school. Once I was exposed to a more diverse people and a life that's not scheduled into subjects I grew and changed as a person a lot faster than I expected.

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An arranger and a relator who loves to take projects from good to great.

To me, being successful means...
Looking back at an experience and feeling satisfied with what I have put in and what I have gotten out of it.

My definition of success has changed over time. 
When you are just starting out, school and careers seems to be the most important areas to focus on. Now it's all about my relationships.

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